yoga Classes

meet our yoga instructor: rachel juergens

My name is Rachel Juergens and I live in Waterford. Yoga found me a couple years ago on my journey of dealing with back and joint problems. What started as a purely physical adventure quickly became something so much more. The mental, emotional and spiritual growth that have happened are immeasurable. Yoga has been a tool of improvement for myself, my husband and our five children. Yoga is a practice that becomes a way of being. We must sometimes take the time to teach ourselves to love and care for ourselves. It doesn’t matter what your age or your ability is, you can do yoga! I am excited and blessed to share yoga with all who seek to grow.

Mixed level yoga

Your yoga practice is all yours! Different variations and options are given throughout class to allow each yogi to shape their practice to best fit their individual needs. That means if you’ve never tried yoga or you’ve been practicing for a while you’ll be able to find your place meeting yourself where you are.



Gentle yoga

For those who are looking to try yoga and want a less intense, gentle practice. A gentle yoga practice can offer benefits for seniors, people with limited movement, new yogis, people looking to reduce stress or manage weight and people dealing with chronic conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. 

Schedule and payment options

Offering a flexible way for you to yoga! Loyalty punch cards are now available. 

Regular yoga classes are 5 for $50 and 10 for $95. Drop in $12

Current class schedule includes Tuesday and Thursday 5:30 am. Also,  Monday and Tuesday evening at 5:30 pm., and Thursday at 4:45 pm.

Gentle yoga classes 5 for $35 and 10 for $65. Drop in $8

Current class schedule includes Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10-10:45 am.